Monday, April 19, 2021

Review MB1 Armoured Walker

    Earlier this year I backed a Kickstarter from Machination Studio for there steampunk walker and cavalry. The Kickstarter ended in late February and I received this box just a few days ago.

It's not a huge box being about 4" per side but it was packed well enough that all of the pieces survived intact and boy are they nice. The resin is crisp and the detail is excellent, and there are 2 options for the main gun, the turret armament, and even heads for the crewman who is also exceptionally detailed. The main gun options are short or long barrel 75mm guns and the turret options hotchkiss machine guns or SA-18 37mm guns.

    Clean up and assembly didn't take much time at all, I built this in an afternoon. There were no instructions included but the assembly was pretty intuitive. I went with the long barrel 75 and turret MMGs and am debating between the wireless or the fin. As I began to build it I noticed on a few of the pieces that the mold wasn't aligned quite right so what looks like a mold line is actually much more pronounced but the areas that had that effect were easy to hide so they required no real correction. The biggest problem I encountered during assembly was that the 2 halves of the hull weren't flush. I tried the usual trick of warming up in hot water to try and make the resin pliable enough to correct the problem but that didn't work. As pictured below it is extremely noticeable and it prevents what ever piece you choose for the top from fitting properly. Had this gone together as plan I probably would have painted it before making a review but as I don't have any gap filling material handy that can wait for a later post.

    I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume that most of these kits will go out with hull sections that fit properly and give this model 9/10. It's quick and easy and I think its going to paint up well when the time comes. All I backed the Kickstarter for was one physical kit for the MB1 but it was made available as a digital file for those savvy in the arts of 3D printing and by going that route the hull alignment issue would probably be entirely non-existent. I've already been considering investing in one myself, maybe this will give me the kick to do it.