Saturday, November 28, 2015

Merrill's Marauders

I got the Merrill's Marauders set from Warlord Games. They were pretty easy to paint and didn't require very much clean up.

I was kinda disappointed by the fact over half the poses were either the exact same or modifications on already existing poses. That and the fact that they only included 5 of the boonie hats that this unit was apparently famous for wearing. I wish they had just done the same thing with these guys that they had done with the rangers, buffalo soldiers, and Nisei set where they just took the plastics and threw in extra heads and a few extra figures.

Monday, October 26, 2015


My city just had a local convention that's primarily for the RPG/board game crowd but in an effort to try to break into this group one of the local game store put on a kill team tournament to show people what miniature gaming is like. Unfortunately the majority of the 40k players did a pub crawl the night before and were too hungover to show up AND the tournament was put in a room on the other side of the hotel from the main convention so they didn't get much exposure. There were four players including me that showed up though, but i only took pictures of one game because i was too busy getting my ass handed to me by tau in the other two.

My 200 points was 10 storm troopers with a meltagun and 5 rough riders.   

 The Orks brought 3 deffkoptas, a truck with a rocket launcher, 9 shoota boys, and another ork with a rocket launcher.

 The Orks got First turn so I deployed tight and hunkered down and actually managed to survive the first round of shooting.

 All I did for my firts turn was charge out with the rough riders. I lost one in overwatch against a deffkopta. The others successfully made their charges, my sergeant hit one of the koptas all four times but wiffed every too wound roll. The kopta then managed to flee the combat. The third kopta did not manage to survive hand to hand. 

 The Orks managed managed to kill all the rough riders but my storm troopers destroyed the truck and started to lay down the hurt with a combination of AP3 hotshot goodness and better armor than orks in hand to hand. The orks managed to pull a win by having one lone kopta turboboost to my starting corner for linebreaker

 There was also a speed painting competition. There weren't any prizes but we did get to keep the miniature we painted. First up is the one I chose, I had her done by the 20 minute mark.

 This one was done by a girl who commission paints, this is the furthest she got in the full 30 minute

 This was the only one finished in 10 minutes or under, but that's pretty easy to do when you only use like 4 colors.

My favorite part of the con was this Aliens game someone had set up in the corner, each section is for a specific scenario. The section below represents the Colonial Marines first encounter with the Aliens in the reactor.

This section is for Riply's rescue of newt or for a bug hunt by a Marine squad.

This section is for the Marines escape from the operations center through the airducts. 

 Every Marine from the movie has a figure and statlines as well as both pilots and the civilians.

 The guy putting on the games allowed us to pick which scenario to play and we picked the escape from the reactor room. After we picked this and set up we were then informed that none of the characters with a pulse rifle could use it because Gorman had ordered everyone to unload them and give all the ammo to Frost. Most of the guys with pulse rifles had a handgun they could use while Hicks has his shotgun and Apone had a flamethrower, the smartguns were also allowed to shoot.

 The whole point of the scenario was to escape with as many Marines as possible but the going was slow since most of the character could only move two squares at a time if they didn't fight and there were several points where there were to many aliens not to fight.

 Funnily enough the first casualty of the game was Hicks. An alien jumped out of a vent and incapacitated him and then in the attempt to save him a smart gun blew away the aliens standing over him and splashed their blood all over Hicks, killing him in acid burning agony. At that point a new Marine was put in so that i could continue to play and so that there will have been 9 Marines to make victory conditions easier to calculate. if 1-3 Marines get out its a loss, if 4-6 get out it's a tie, and if 7-9 escape its a victory.

Five Marines made out, one of them being Frost who had refused to issue the pulse rifle ammo back out but at least the survivors are better off on ammo now then they were in the movie.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Weekend model contest

There was an IPMS contest in my town over the weekends and i figured I would enter some of my stuff and see how it compared. I snapped photos of the armor and dioramas but i didn't take any pictures of the planes, trains, or automobiles, or boats for that matter, since none of that stuff interests me as much as TANKS. Anyway, here's the stuff in no particular order.

My three entries, a group of SNLF, my French 75mm, and a French Paratroop section

My roommates entry


 The theme for the contest was a model based off a picture and I wish i had snapped a photo of the page he had used as a reference for his diorama because this guy really nailed it. I didn't stay to see who won the theme category but i really hope it was this one because no one else really put as much work into theirs.